ICorProfilerInfo3::GetRuntimeInformation Method
Provides version information about the common language runtime (CLR) that is being profiled.
HRESULT GetRuntimeInformation(
[out] USHORT *pClrInstanceId,
[out] COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE *pRuntimeType,
[out] USHORT *pMajorVersion,
[out] USHORT *pMinorVersion,
[out] USHORT *pBuildNumber,
[out] USHORT *pQFEVersion,
[in] ULONG cchVersionString,
[out] ULONG *pcchVersionString,
[out, size_is(cchVersionString), length_is(*pcchVersionString)]
WCHAR szVersionString[]);
[out] The representative ID of a running CLR instance in a process. This is the same as the ClrInstanceID that the event tracing for Windows (ETW) startup event reports.pRuntimeType
[out] The runtime type. This parameter returns COR_PRF_DESKTOP_CLR for the desktop version of the CLR, or COR_PRF_CORE_CLR for the core version of the CLR used in Silverlight.pMajorVersion
[out] The major version number of the CLR.pMinorVersion
[out] The minor version number of the CLR.pBuildVersion
[out] The build version number of the CLR.pQFEVersion
[out] The version number of the CLR that is associated with a software update.cchVersionString
[in] The length, in characters, of the buffer that szVersionString points to.pcchVersionString
[out] The length, in characters, of szVersionString.szVersionString
[out] The CLR version string.
You may pass null for any parameter. However, pcchVersionString cannot be null unless szVersionString is also null.
Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.
Header: CorProf.idl, CorProf.h
Library: CorGuids.lib
.NET Framework Versions: 4