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ICorProfilerInfo3::GetAppDomainsContainingModule Method

Gets the identifiers of the application domains in which the given module has been loaded.

HRESULT GetAppDomainsContainingModule(
            [in] ModuleID moduleId,
            [in] ULONG32 cAppDomainIds,
            [out] ULONG32 *pcAppDomainIds,
            [out, size_is(cAppDomainIds), length_is(*pcAppDomainIds)]
                    AppDomainID appDomainIds[]);


  • moduleId
    [in] The ID of the loaded module.

  • cAppDomainIds
    [in] The size of the appDomainIds array.

  • pcAppDomainIds
    [out] A pointer to the total number of returned elements.

  • appDomainIds
    [out] An array of application domain ID values.


The method uses caller allocated buffers. See Profiling API Method Conventions for more information.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: CorProf.idl, CorProf.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: 4

See Also


ICorProfilerFunctionEnum Interface

ICorProfilerInfo3 Interface

Other Resources

Profiling Interfaces

Profiling (Unmanaged API Reference)