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ISymUnmanagedBinder3::GetReaderFromCallback Method

Allows the user to implement or supply via callback either an IID_IDiaReadExeAtRVACallback or IID_IDiaReadExeAtOffsetCallback to obtain the debug directory information from memory.

HRESULT GetReaderFromCallback(
    [in]  IUnknown     *importer,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *fileName,
    [in]  const WCHAR  *searchPath,
    [in]  ULONG32      searchPolicy,
    [in]  IUnknown     *callback,
    [out,retval] ISymUnmanagedReader  **pRetVal);


  • importer
    [in] A pointer to the metadata import interface.

  • fileName
    [in] A pointer to the file name.

  • searchPath
    [in] A pointer to the search path.

  • searchPolicy
    [in] A value of the CorSymSearchPolicyAttributes enumeration that specifies the policy to be used when doing a search for a symbol reader.

  • callback
    [in] A pointer to the callback function.

  • pRetVal
    [out] A pointer that is set to the returned ISymUnmanagedReader interface.

Return Value

S_OK if the method succeeds; otherwise, E_FAIL or some other error code.


Header: CorSym.idl

See Also


ISymUnmanagedBinder3 Interface