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(DEU) Link a company with an XBRL taxonomy

To tag items of data in a report, you must link to an XBRL taxonomy.


To link to an XBRL taxonomy, the company that you are creating a report for must have an XBRL entity associated with it. For more information, see (DEU) Create and maintain XBRL entities.

When you add an XBRL taxonomy row link and add XBRL labels to the row link, Management Reporter automatically assigns a label for each amount row based on the row description. If a row description does not match an XBRL label, the XBRL Label Selection dialog box is displayed.

If the XBRL Label Selection dialog box is displayed, select an XBRL label to attach to the row in the Possible matches for area. You can browse the possible matches for the label or browse the complete taxonomy in the hierarchal pane. You can also click Find to search by keyword.

This topic contains the following procedures:

  • Add an XBRL taxonomy row link

  • Browse for an XBRL taxonomy label

  1. In Report Designer, open a row definition for a company that has an XBRL entity associated with it.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Row Link. The Row Links dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click New to create a new link.

  4. In the Link type field, select XBRL taxonomy. Enter a name and description for the link.

  5. To add XBRL labels for each amount row based on the row description, select the Add XBRL labels in row link check box. Management Reporter automatically assigns a label for each amount row based on the row description. If a row description does not match an XBRL label, the XBRL Label Selection dialog box is displayed.

  6. Click OK. The Link to XBRL taxonomy column is added to the row definition.

Browse for an XBRL taxonomy label

  1. In the Taxonomy view field, specify how the taxonomy is displayed:

    • Presentation - Browse labels by title.

    • Definition - Browse labels by definition.

    • Filter - Narrow search results to a particular label topic.

  2. In the Data type field, select a label. One of the following data types will be assigned automatically. The data type defines the kind of data that will be tagged with the XBRL item.

    • Text box is blank (Abstract)

    • Tuple (Tuple)

    • Monetary (Monetary)

    • Decimal (Decimal)

    • Shares (Shares)

    • Pure (Decimal)

    • Integer (Integer)

    • True or False (Boolean)

    • Date (Date)

    • Date/Time (DateTime)

    • Time (Time)

    • Text (String)

  3. For some data types, you must specify how to report that item. Do this in the Report the selected item as field.

  4. If the Value list option is available, you can enter or select a note for the data type and label.

  5. The Documentation, References, and Properties tabs display information that is relevant to the selected label.

  6. Double-click the selection and the label will appear in the Link to XBRL Taxonomy cell of the row definition.