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Developer toolkit features


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013

This topic describes the features of the Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. It describes the project template options, how to connect to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, and the CRM Package and CRM Explorer features.

In This Topic

Project template options

Connect to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM server

CRM Package project

CRM Explorer

Project template options

After you install the Developer Toolkit, in the Microsoft Visual Studio New Project dialog box you’ll have a Dynamics CRM node under Visual C#.


The Developer Toolkit doesn’t support Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

In the Dynamics CRM node, you have the project template options shown in the following table.

Project template option


New Visual Studio Solution Template for Dynamics CRM 2013

Creates a new instance of a Visual Studio solution for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.

Dynamics CRM 2013 Plug-in Library

Creates a new Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 plug-in class library (.dll).

Dynamics CRM 2013 Workflow Library

Creates a new Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 workflow class library (.dll).

Dynamics CRM 2013 Package

Creates a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Package project.

Dynamics CRM 2013 XAML Workflow Library

Creates Microsoft Dynamics CRM workflows using the Visual Studio Workflow Designer.

The New Visual Studio Solution Template for Dynamics CRM 2013 option includes a solution that includes a plug-in, a workflow, a Silverlight application, and a package project. It’s a good starting point for any new solution because you can remove projects from the solution if you do not plan to use them. For more information about other project options, see Create a new Developer Toolkit project.


When you select the New Visual Studio Solution Template for Dynamics CRM 2013 option, you’ll be prompted to create a new Silverlight application. In the New Silverlight Application dialog box, clear Host Silverlight application in a new Web site. More information: Work with Silverlight web resources.

Connect to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM server

When you create a new project you’ll be prompted to connect to a CRM server. When connecting to your server, you must select your organization. Selecting a solution is optional. The solution you select is the one that all new solution components will be associated with. Don’t select a managed solution. If you don’t select a solution, your solution components will be added to the default solution.


If you want to work in the context of a new solution, create the new solution before you connect to the server. The dialog box doesn’t provide the option to create a new solution.

CRM Package project

In your new solution, the CrmPackage project is a manifest project that contains all assets to be deployed to Microsoft Dynamics CRM combined with their deployment settings. By default, the outputs from each other project are added as references to this project in so that they can be deployed to the server.

CRM Package

You can add components to the package by adding projects as a reference or by adding components under the WebResources folder.

The RegisterFile.crmregister contains registration information for plug-ins and custom workflows created by the toolkit.

Deploy your solution

Deploy your solution to the server by right-clicking CrmPackage and then clicking Deploy. You can also deploy the Solution or the CrmPackage from the Build menu. More information: Deploy a solution using the developer toolkit

CRM Explorer

The CRM Explorer displays information about solution components available in the organization. You can expand each node to view specific instances of each type of solution component.

CRM Explorer

Toolbar buttons

The buttons on the toolbar are described in the following table.




Refreshes the whole tree.

Launch Organization

Opens the default landing page for the CRM organization.

Launch Solution

Opens the page for the solution you have chosen to connect and deploy your solution to.

Organization tree

Use the CRM Explorer organization tree to perform tasks using context menu commands or by double-clicking a specific solution component. For those solution components that can be edited in the solution, double-clicking the item opens the definition page in the Visual Studio web browser so you can configure or view the component without leaving Visual Studio. The following table shows the actions you can perform in the organization tree.


Command or double-click action


Launch Organization <Organization Name>


Refreshes the whole tree.

Entities Entities

Generate Wrapper

Executes CRMSVCUtil.exe to generate the strongly typed proxy classes. If you only have one plug-in project, this class is automatically added to this project; otherwise, the Generate Entity Wrappers dialog box lets you select which project to create the classes in.


Refreshes entities.

Entities Entities

  • Entities <Specific Entity>


Opens the entity definition.

Create Plug-in

Opens the Create Plug-in dialog with the primary entity set to the selected entity. For more information, see Create and deploy plug-ins using the Developer Toolkit.

Option Sets Option Sets


Refreshes option sets.

Option Sets Option Sets

  • Option Sets < Specific Option Set>


Opens the option set definition.

Web Resource Web Resources


Refreshes web resources.

Add to packaging project

Adds web resources of all types from the organization to the project.

Web Resource Web Resources

  • Web Resource <Web Resource Type>


Refreshes web resources of this type.

Add to packaging project

Adds all web resources of this type from the organization to the project.

Web Resource Web Resources

  • Web Resource <Web Resource Type>

    • Web Resource <Specific Web Resource>


Opens the web resource definition.

Add to packaging project

Adds this web resource from the organization to the project.

Process Processes


Refreshes processes.

Process Processes

  • Process Dialogs


Refreshes dialogs.

Add Dialog

Opens the Create Process dialog with the Category set to Dialog.

Process Processes

  • Process Dialogs

    • Process <Specific Dialog>


Opens the dialog definition.


Delete Dialog

Deletes the dialog.

Process Processes

  • Process Workflows


Refreshes workflows.

Add Workflow

Opens the Create Process dialog box with the Category set to Workflow.

Process Processes

  • Process Workflows

    • Process <Specific Workflow>


Opens the workflow definition.


Delete Workflow

Deletes the workflow.

Plug-in Assembly not in solution Plug-in Assemblies


Refreshes plug-in assemblies.

Plug-in Assembly not in solution Plug-in Assemblies

  • Plug-in Assembly in Solution <Specific Assembly>


Opens the dependencies definition for the assembly.

Edit Assembly

Opens the PluginAssembly Information dialog box. You can set the Isolation Mode, Source Type and a Description.

Delete Assembly

Deletes the assembly.

Add Plugin

Opens the Create Plug-in dialog box. You can select the Primary Entity. More information: Create and deploy a plug-in

Plug-in Assembly not in solution Plug-in Assemblies

  • Plug-in Assembly in Solution <Specific Assembly>

    • Plug-in <Specific Plugin>


Refreshes this plug-in.

Add Step

For plug-ins that exist in the current project, this option opens the Create Plug-in dialog box with the Project and Class already set so that a new step can be added.

Delete Plugin

For plug-ins that exist in the current project, unregisters the plug-in from the server without deleting the source file.

Edit Plugin

For plug-ins that exist in the current project, opens the Plugin Type Information dialog box to enable editing the plugin Friendly Name and Description.

Plug-in Assembly not in solution Plug-in Assemblies

  • Plug-in Assembly in Solution <Specific Assembly>

    • Plug-in <Specific Plug-in>

      • Step <Specific Step>

Edit Step

For steps that exist in the current project, opens the Create Plug-in dialog box to modify how the step is registered.

Delete Step

For steps that exist in the current project, deletes the step.

Security Role Security Roles


Refreshes security roles.

Security Role Security Roles

  • Business Unit <Business Unit>

    • Security Role < Specific Security Role >


Opens the security role definition.

Field Security Profile Field Security Profiles


Refreshes field security profiles.

Field Security Profile Field Security Profiles

  • Field Security Profile <Specific Field Security Profile>


Opens the field security profile definition.

See Also

Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Write client application extensions
Install or uninstall the Developer Toolkit
Create a new Developer Toolkit project
Deploy a solution using the developer toolkit
Create and deploy plug-ins using the Developer Toolkit
Create and deploy workflow libraries using the Developer Toolkit
Create and deploy XAML workflows using the Developer Toolkit
Create and deploy web resources using the Developer Toolkit