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Configuring the Windows Client

When you install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, the Specify Parameters page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup prompts you for configuration information to enable the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client to connect to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This information is then saved in the default ClientUserSettings.config file.

A separate instance of the ClientUserSettings.config file is maintained for each user of the computer. The default location for this file is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70, where <username> is the name of the user. This folder and file are hidden by default. Change your folder options in Windows Explorer to view hidden files before you attempt to edit the ClientUserSettings.config file.

Configuring the RoleTailored Client in Setup

If you install the Demo Option you are not prompted for configuration information, since all Microsoft Dynamics NAV components are automatically installed on the local computer. But if you install using any other installation option, you must provide some initial configuration information to enable the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client to establish a connection with an instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

In Setup, select either of the following Installation Options to install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client:

You can also customize your installation and customize the list of components to install. For more information, see How to: Choose Components to Install.

After you specify an installation option or customize your component list, the Specify parameters pane is displayed in Setup.


The list of parameters that you see in the Specify parameters pane depends on which components that you have selected for configuration. The following parameters pertain to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

Section/ Parameter Description

Install Location/

Destination Folder (x86)

Specifies the folder destination for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client files.


Server Name

Specifies the name of the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server for this client.

Default value: None if you are installing the Client installation option, or localhost if you are installing using the Developer installation option or a custom installation. If you are not sure which Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer to specify, enter a temporary value, such as TBD, so you can complete Setup. Then edit the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client configuration file later to identify the actual server. You will not be able to run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client without a valid Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server connection.

Service Name

The name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

The default is DynamicsNAV70.


Server Port

The listening TCP port for the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server for this client.

Default value: 7046

If you specify an invalid port number in Setup, then the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client cannot connect to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. You will receive the following message when you attempt to open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client: The program could not create a connection to the server. Do you want to try again? If you choose No, then the Select Server window opens. Correct the port number by typing a string in this format in the Server name field:


Add rule to Firewall

Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup adds a rule to Windows Firewall to allow the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client to communicate with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance on another computer, through the specified Server Port.

The default value is Yes for the Client or Server installation options, where the assumption is that Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed on a different computer from the client, and No for the Demo and Developer options, where the assumption is that Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed on the same computer as the client.

If the target computer uses a firewall other than Windows Firewall, or if networking is not configured on the target computer, then this option must be set to No or Setup will not be able to complete successfully.


Credential Type

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 supports different credential authorization mechanisms for Microsoft Dynamics NAV users. When you create a user, you provide different information depending on the credential type that you are using in the current Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. The credential type configured for a user must match the credential type configured for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance the user is configured to connect to. For more information, see Users and Credential Types.

Default value: Windows.


DNS Identity

This parameter is relevant if the Credential Type is anything other than Windows, when security certificates are necessary for protecting client/server communications. In other words, if uses will connect to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance over your corporate intranet, you can ignore this parameter.

Specifies the subject name of the service certificate for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The default value is an empty ("") value. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client makes sure that the certificate that is provided during the SSL handshake contains a Domain Name System (DNS) or CommonName (CN) attribute that is equal to the DNS identity of the client. This check is performed in addition to determining the validity of the server certificate.

Default value: ""


Access Control Service URI

This parameter is only relevant if the Credential Type is ACS.

Specifies the web location where the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client goes to authenticate the client user.

Default value: ""

Choose Apply when you have finished entering values on the Specify parameters page in Setup.

Configuring the RoleTailored Client After Installing

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Setup installs ClientUserSettings.config, the default configuration file, with the values you provided as you ran Setup, to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70. The first time a user runs the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, a copy of ClientUserSettings.config is copied to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70, where <username> is the name of the user. This folder and file are hidden by default.

If you want to change default Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client settings for all future users, edit the default ClientUserSettings.config file—that is, the one in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70. Be sure that you run your text editor with Administrator privileges when you do so.

If you want to change Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client settings for an existing user, edit the ClientUserSettings.config file in that user’s C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\70 folder. After you modify a user’s ClientUserSettings.config file, you must restart the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client for changes to take effect.

In addition to the settings that you can configure in Setup, the ClientUserSettings.config file contains other settings for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

Settings in the ClientUserSettings.config File

The ClientUserSettings.config file is an .xml file that you can edit with any text editor. Quotation marks are required for all values.

The following settings are available.

Setting Description


Specifies the name of the computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server for this client.

Default value: Empty string if you installed using the Client installation option, or localhost if you installed using the Developer Environment installation option or a custom installation.


The listening TCP port for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance the client connects to.

Default value: 7046


The name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance the client connects to.

Default value: DynamicsNAV70

See Managing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instances.


The security services for protecting the client/server data stream. This value must match the value that is specified in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration file. For more information, see Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Default: EncryptAndSign

Values: EncryptAndSign, Sign, None


A comma-delimited list of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server connections that is displayed in the Select Server window when you choose the drop-down arrow in the Server name field.

This parameter is not present after you install the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, but it is created and populated once the user enters a server name in the field.

You can create and populate this field after installing the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. This gives the user a list of servers from which to choose.


<add key="UrlHistory" value="localhost, dev:7046/DynamicsNAV70, sales:7046/DynamicsNAV70"/>

Each value must contain a computer name and can optionally also include a port number and a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. Defaults are assumed if either value is missing.


The threshold in memory consumption at which the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client starts compressing datasets, in kilobytes.

Default: 64


The default size for a chunk, in kilobytes.

Default: 28.

The range of values is from 4 to 80.


Specifies the maximum number of data rows that can be sent as XML during export to Word or Excel.

Default: 5000


Specifies the maximum image size (in bytes) allowed by validation.

Default: 26214400.


Specifies how Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client users are authenticated when they connect to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

See Users and Credential Types for more information on this setting.

You must also configure the ClientServicesCredentialType parameter for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance the client is configured to connect to so that it matches the value in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client configuration file. See Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server


This parameter is only relevant if the ClientServicesCredentialType is set to ACS.

Specifies the web location where the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client goes to authenticate the client user.

Default value: ""


Specifies whether NTLM fallback is permitted for authentication.

To require Kerberos authentication, set this value to false.

Default value: true


If this parameter is set to true, then the client can only connect to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that has been associated with a service principal name (SPN).

If this parameter is set to false, then the client attempts to connect to the configured Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, regardless of whether that instance is associated with an SPN.

Default: false


Specifies whether to enforce validation of the certificate.

In a production environment, setting this parameter to true is strongly recommended.

When validation is enabled, the certificate must be trusted, not revoked, and the CN name should match the URL of your service.

When validation is disabled you can use a self-signed certificate with no revocation list and no constraint on the CN name.

Default: true


Specifies the subject name of the service certificate for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client makes sure that the certificate that is provided during the SSL handshake contains a Domain Name System (DNS) or CommonName (CN) attribute that is equal to the DNS identity of the client. This check is performed in addition to determining the validity of the server certificate.

Default: ""

See Connecting the RoleTailored Client over a Wide Area Network.


Specifies whether to use server principal name when establishing the connection between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. This setting is used to authenticate the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. You set the values that are based on the value of the ServicePrincipalNameRequired key.

Value: The value has the following format.


  • NavServer is the name of the computer that is running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

  • Port is the port number on which the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is running.

  • ServerInstance is the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

  • NoSpn|SPN specifies whether to use an SPN. If the ServicePrincipalNameRequired key is set to false, then set this value to NoSpn. If the ServicePrincipalNameRequired key is set to true, then set this value to Spn.

Default value: (net.tcp://localhost:7046/DynamicsNAV70/Service)=NoSpn

This setting is updated automatically.

See Also


Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server