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GroupType Property

Sets the subtype for a group control on a page, which determines how fields in a group layout on a page.

Applies To

  • Group type controls on pages

Property Values

Value Description For more information


If the control is a top level control that does not have a child group of the subtype CueGroup, FixedLayout, or GridLayout, then the Group setting creates a FastTab of fields; otherwise, it is acts as a container for the child group.

How to: Add FastTabs to a Customer Card Page


Arranges fields in a row and repeats the fields on subsequest lines in a table. This is used for displaying data in a list, such as Sales Orders or Customers.

Walkthrough: Creating a Customer List in Page Designer


Displays fields as a Cue on page. A Cue is a graphical representation of a total number of entities in a database table. This is typically only used on Role Center page types.

This value is not by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. When a page is displayed on a SharePoint site, the Cue graphics do not appear.

Walkthrough: Creating a Cue on a Role Center


Arranges fields in rows and columns.

This value is not fully supported by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. You can experience misalignment of captions and fields in some setups.

Arranging Fields in Rows and Columns Using a FixedLayout Control


Arranges fields in rows and columns. GridLayout gives you more control than FixedLayout over how fields are displayed by letting you span rows and columns, specify labels for individual fields, and layout fields in a row-by-row or column-by-column basis.

This value is not fully supported by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. You cannot span rows and columns by setting the RowSpan Property and ColumnSpan Property on fields because these properties are not supported.

How to: Arrange Fields in Rows and Columns Using the GridLayout Control