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How to: Register a Windows Client Control Add-in

A Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client control add-in is delivered as a Microsoft .NET Framework–based assembly, which is a .dll file. An assembly for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client add-ins can contain more than one control add-in where each control add-in has a unique name. Before you can use a control add-in on pages, you use the development environment to register it in the Client Add-in table of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

To register a control add-in, provide the following information.

Information Description

Control add-in name

The name is defined in the assembly's source code by the Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility.ControlAddInExportAttribute attribute value for control add-in class definition, as shown in the following example code snippet.

In this example, the control add-in name is MyCompany.MyProduct.FieldPopupAddin. For more information, see How to: Create a Windows Client Control Add-in.

Public key token

The public key token is a 16-character key that is given to the assembly when it is built and signed in Microsoft Visual Studio. To determine the public token key, run the Microsoft .NET Strong Name Utility (sn.exe) on the assembly. For more information, see How to: Determine the Public Key Token of the Windows Client Control Add-in and Strong-Named Signing.

To register a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client control add-in

  1. Open the development environment.

  2. On the Tools menu, choose Object Designer.

  3. Choose Tables, and then locate the table with ID 2000000069 and name Client Add-in.

  4. Choose the table, and then choose the Run button.

  5. On a blank line in the Client Add-in table, fill in the Control Add-In Name and Public Key Token fields.

  6. Close the Client Add-in table.

See Also


How to: Set Up a Windows Client Control Add-in on a Page
How to: Install a Windows Client Control Add-in Assembly
How to: Determine the Public Key Token of the Windows Client Control Add-in
Walkthrough: Creating and Using a Windows Client Control Add-in


Installing and Configuring Windows Client Control Add-ins on Pages
Developing Windows Client Control Add-ins
Windows Client Control Add-in Overview