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Preserving Data When Working with a Statically Generated Proxy

You can lose data if you develop a web service client that interacts with a statically generated proxy. Similarly, a client web service cannot detect if a field has been added to or removed from a page since a proxy was last generated. This topic describes an approach for avoiding this pitfall.

Avoiding Data Loss by Building the Proxy with Your Client Application

To avoid data loss due to a statically generated proxy, automatically generate your proxy whenever you build your client.

Assume you have published page 21, Customer Card, from the RoleTailored client as a SOAP web service with Customer as the Service Name value. Add a service reference to this web service from a C# console application and insert the following code in the Main method:

static void Main(string[] args)
  CustomerService.Customer_Service svc 
      = new CustomerService.Customer_Service();
  svc.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
  Customer c = svc.Read("01121212");

When you run the application, you will see the following output (assuming the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Demo database):

Spotsmeyer's Furnishings

Then go back to page 21 in the RoleTailored client and set the Name property for the control that is bound to the Name field to CustomerName, and save the page.

Finally, switch back to the console application without updating the web reference and run the code. Instead of getting an error message that indicates that the web request does not match the web service description, you do not get an error message, and Console.WriteLine shows an empty line.