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Setting Up the Home Button and Home Items

Home is a default activity button in the navigation pane of Dynamics NAV and displays items that link to List Places.

Adding Items to the Home Button

There are two ways that you can add items to the Home button:

  • Add actions on the Role Center page.

    You use the Action Designer to add actions under the HomeItems control. You set up the actions to open list pages. Each action appears as an item under the Home button. For example, the following illustration shows the Action Designer for the Home button items that are shown in the previous illustration.

    Action Designer showing the HomeItems actions

    For information about how to add an action under the HomeItems control, see How to: Add Actions to a Page.

  • Add Cues on the Role Center page.

    Items from Cues are added to the Home button automatically. When you add a cue, you set the DrillDownPageID Property to a list page for displaying the data. If there is a relevant parent entity to place the Cue item under, that link is automatically added in the navigation pane. For example, if you have a Cue named Sales Return Orders – Open, this item will be added under the parent item Sales Return Orders in the navigation pane. For more information, see Walkthrough: Creating a Cue Based on a FlowField.

Child Items

An item is automatically positioned as a child to another item according to the following conditions:

  • The child item targets a list page that displays filtered data from a table.

  • The parent item targets the same list page as the child item, except that list page data is not filtered.

  • The parent item is defined by an action, not a Cue.

Hiding and Customizing the Home Button and Items in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client

The Home button is always present in the navigation pane and cannot be removed or modified that included its icon. From the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client, end-users and administrators can use customization to change the items under the Home button including:

  • Removing home items.


    Home items that are created from Cues cannot be removed using customization. The only way to remove these items is to remove the Cue by using Page Designer.

  • Moving home items to other Activity buttons.

  • Restoring the default Home items as defined in the Action Designer on the Role Center page.

    As an end-user, the changes are only implemented on the user’s Role Center. For more information, see Profiles and Role Centers.

    If you are an administrator, then you can open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client in the Configuration mode and the changes that you make will be implemented on the Role Center for all users. For more information, see How to: Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV in Configuration Mode.

See Also

Creating Activity Buttons for the Navigation Pane