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Walkthrough: Creating and Interacting With an OData V4 Bound Action

This walkthrough illustrates how you can publish a Dynamics NAV function as an OData V4 web service action.

About This Walkthrough

This walkthrough provides an overview of how to expose a function as a web service action and how to verify that the service is working as expected. The walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:

  • Publishing a Dynamics NAV function as a web service.
  • Verifying web service availability from a browser.


To complete this walkthrough, you will need:

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CTP 10 or later with a developer license.

  • OData services and V4 endpoint enabled on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. For more information, see Configuring Dynamics NAV Server.

  • CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database.

  • The Postman app for testing the web service URI.

Publishing a Function as a Web Service

You publish a function as a Web service action by using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment to create the function and the Dynamics NAV Windows client or the Dynamics NAV Web client for publishing the objects the function is for. The tutorial provides an example that will return a location header. A location header would be used to later issue a get request for the resulting object. Refer to the Return a Value section for an example that will return a value specified in your function.

To create the function

Create a Copy action on the Sales Invoice page.

  1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment and then connect to the CRONUS International Ltd. company.

    Object Designer opens automatically in the development environment.

  2. Open page 43, Sales Invoice.

  3. Create a new function on the page named Copy.

  4. Open the properties for the function and set the properties to the following values.

    Property Value
    Local No
    FunctionVisibility External
    ServiceEnabled Yes
  5. Open Locals for the function and create the following parameter:

    Column Value
    Var Yes
    Name ActionContext
    DataType DotNet
    SubType Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.WebServiceActionContext.'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Ncl, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
  6. Select the Variables tab and add the following variables.

    Name DataType SubType
    ToSalesHeader Record Sales Header (ID 36)
    FromSalesHeader Record Sales Header (ID 36)
    SalesSetup Record Sales & Receivables Setup (ID 311)
    ODataActionManagement Codeunit OData Action Management (ID 6711)
    CopyDocMgt Codeunit Copy Document Mgt. (ID 6620)
    DocType Option OptionString = Quote,Blanket Order,Order,Invoice,Return Order,Credit Memo,Posted Shipment,Posted Invoice,Posted Return Receipt,Posted Credit Memo
  7. On the Copy function, add the code that copies the sales document, for example.

    TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,SalesSetup."Exact Cost Reversing Mandatory",FALSE);
    FromSalesHeader.GET(Rec."Document Type",Rec."No.");
    ToSalesHeader."Document Type" := FromSalesHeader."Document Type";
    // Add the necessary keys of the newly created entity using that entity’s backing table to identify the field no. and it’s value.
    // Depending on what the result was of the action
    // - Created: SetCreatedPageResponse(ActionContext, PAGE::"Sales Invoice");
    // - Updated: SetUpdatedPageResponse(ActionContext,PAGE::"Sales Invoice");
    // - Deleted: SetDeleteResponse(ActionContext);
    ODataActionManagement.SetCreatedPageResponse(ActionContext,PAGE::"Sales Invoice");
  8. Save and compile the SalesInvoice page.

To register and publish a page as a Web service

  1. Open Dynamics NAV and connect to the CRONUS International Ltd. company.
  2. In the Search box, enter Web services, and then choose the related link.
  3. In the Web Services page, on the Home tab, choose New.
  4. In the Object Type column, select Page. In the Object ID column, enter 43, and in the Service Name column, enter SalesInvoice.
  5. Select the check box in the Published column.
  6. Choose the OK button.

Verifying the Web Service Availability

After publishing a web service, verify that the port that web service applications will use to connect to your web service is open. The default port for OData V4 web services is 7048. You can configure this value by using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool.

To verify availability of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web service action

  1. Start Postman or another tool that can execute a POST command against the web service URI.

  2. In the Address field, enter a URI in this format:

    https://<Server>:<WebServicePort>/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20International%20Ltd.')/SalesInvoice(<Document Type>,<No.>)/NAV.Copy
    • <Server> is the name of the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.
    • <WebServicePort> is the port that OData V4 is running on. The default port is 7048.
    • <ServiceInstance> is the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for your solution. The default name is DynamicsNAV110.
    • <Document Type> is document type as specified in table 36 Sales Header. For this example, use Invoice.
    • <No.> is the value of the No. field of the sales invoice that you want to copy.

    For example, if the default Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is running on your local computer, and you want to copy the invoice that has the number 103004, use the following URI:

    https://localhost:7048/DynamicsNAV110/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20International%20Ltd.')/SalesInvoice('Invoice', '103004')/NAV.Copy
  1. Postman should now show the Web service function that you have published, and perform the action of copying an invoice.

Return a value

  1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment and connect to the application database.

  2. Open page 43, Sales Invoice.

  3. Create a new function called Example.

  4. Open Properties for the function and set the properties to the following values.

    Property Value
    Local No
    FunctionVisibility External
    ServiceEnabled Yes
  5. Open Locals for the function, ann add the following parameter:

    Name Value
    inParam Text
  6. Select the Return Value tab, and set the following field values.

    Name Return Type
    outParam Text
  7. Add the following code on the Example function:

    outParam := inParam + ' Completed';
  8. You can now issue a post request on the URI to the Example function, for example, by using the following URI:

    https://localhost:7048/DynamicsNAV110/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20International%20Ltd.')/SalesInvoice('Invoice', '103004')/NAV.Example

    And using the following code as the JSON body:

        "inParam": "Hello World"
  9. The returned value will be returned in the body of the message.

        "@odata.context": "https://localhost:7048/DynamicsNAV110/ODataV4/$metadata#Edm.String",
        "value": "Hello World Completed"

You have now published a Dynamics NAV function as an OData V4 web service action and verified that the service works as expected. To read more about web services, see the See Also section below.

See Also

Web Services
SOAP Web Services
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Services Overview
How to: Publish a Web Service
Walkthrough: Configuring Web Services to Use SSL (SOAP and OData)
Web Service Alternatives: SOAP and OData