/VERSION (Version Information)
The latest version of this topic can be found at -VERSION (Version Information).
## Remarks
*major*and *minor*
The version number you want in the header of the .exe or .dll file.
## Remarks
The /VERSION option tells the linker to put a version number in the header of the .exe or .dll file. Use DUMPBIN [/HEADERS](../Topic/-HEADERS.md) to see the image version field of the OPTIONAL HEADER VALUES to see the effect of /VERSION.
The *major* and *minor* arguments are decimal numbers in the range 0 through 65,535. The default is version 0.0.
The information specified with /VERSION does not affect the version information that appears for an application when you view its properties in File Explorer. That version information comes from a resource file that is used to build the application. See [Version Information Editor](../Topic/Version%20Information%20Editor.md) for more information.
Another way to insert a version number is with the [VERSION](../Topic/VERSION%20\(C-C++\).md) module-definition statement.
### To set this linker option in the Visual Studio development environment
1. Open the project's **Property Pages** dialog box. For details, see [Setting Visual C++ Project Properties](../Topic/Working%20with%20Project%20Properties.md).
2. Click the **Linker** folder.
3. Click the **General** property page.
4. Modify the **Version** property.
### To set this linker option programmatically
- See [Version](assetId:///P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.VCLinkerTool.Version?qualifyHint=False&autoUpgrade=True).
## See Also
[Setting Linker Options](../Topic/Setting%20Linker%20Options.md)
[Linker Options](../Topic/Linker%20Options.md)