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IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl Class


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This class provides methods for assisting communication between an in-place control and its container.


This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.


template<class T>
class IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl


Your class, derived from IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl.


Public Methods

Name Description
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::ContextSensitiveHelp Enables context-sensitive help. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::EnableModeless Enables modeless dialog boxes. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::GetWindow Gets a window handle.
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::OnDocWindowActivate Notifies the control when the container's document window is activated or deactivated. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::OnFrameWindowActivate Notifies the control when the container's top-level frame window is activated or deactivated. The ATL implementation returns
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::ResizeBorder Informs the control it needs to resize its borders. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::TranslateAccelerator Processes menu accelerator-key messages from the container. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.


The IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface assists communication between an in-place control and its container; for example, communicating the active state of the control and container, and informing the control it needs to resize itself. Class IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl provides a default implementation of IOleInPlaceActiveObject and supports IUnknown by sending information to the dump device in debug builds.

Related Articles ATL Tutorial, Creating an ATL Project

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: atlctl.h


Enables context-sensitive help.

HRESULT ContextSensitiveHelp(BOOL fEnterMode);

Return Value

Returns E_NOTIMPL.


See IOleWindow::ContextSensitiveHelp in the Windows SDK.


Enables modeless dialog boxes.

HRESULT EnableModeless(BOOL fEnable);

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


See IOleInPlaceActiveObject::EnableModeless in the Windows SDK.


The container calls this function to get the window handle of the control.

HRESULT GetWindow(HWND* phwnd);


Some containers will not work with a control that has been windowless, even if it is currently windowed. In ATL's implementation, if the CComControl::m_bWasOnceWindowless data member is TRUE, the function returns E_FAIL. Otherwise, if * phwnd is not NULL, GetWindow assigns phwnd to the control class's data member m_hWnd and returns S_OK.

See IOleWindow::GetWindow in the Windows SDK.


Notifies the control when the container's document window is activated or deactivated.

HRESULT OnDocWindowActivate(BOOL fActivate);

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


See IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnDocWindowActivate in the Windows SDK.


Notifies the control when the container's top-level frame window is activated or deactivated.

HRESULT OnFrameWindowActivate(BOOL fActivate);

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


See IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate in the Windows SDK.


Informs the control it needs to resize its borders.

HRESULT ResizeBorder(
    LPRECT prcBorder,
    IOleInPlaceUIWindow* pUIWindow,
    BOOL fFrameWindow);

Return Value

Returns S_OK.


See IOleInPlaceActiveObject::ResizeBorder in the Windows SDK.


Processes menu accelerator-key messages from the container.

HRESULT TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpmsg);

Return Value

This method supports the following return values:

S_OK if the message was translated successfully.

S_FALSE if the message was not translated.


See IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator in the Windows SDK.

See Also

CComControl Class
ActiveX Controls Interfaces
Class Overview