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Advanced template options


This project is an experimental release. We hope you try out Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings and provide feedback at

The templates for Mobile Blazor Bindings contain some advanced options to customize the template creation experience.

Choose which platform projects to create

The project templates have options to skip creation of platform-specific projects if you don't intend to target them. The default is to create all supported platform-specific projects. Use the following options to prevent creation of certain projects.

The Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings App template supports these options:

dotnet new mobileblazorbindings --CreateiOSProject false -o AppWithoutiOS
dotnet new mobileblazorbindings --CreateAndroidProject false -o AppWithoutAndroid

The Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings Hybrid App template supports these options:

dotnet new blazorhybrid --CreateiOSProject false -o AppWithoutiOS
dotnet new blazorhybrid --CreateAndroidProject false -o AppWithoutAndroid
dotnet new blazorhybrid --CreateWindowsProject false -o AppWithoutWindows
dotnet new blazorhybrid --CreatemacOSProject false -o AppWithoutmacOS

You can combine multiple options to prevent creation of multiple platform-specific projects:

dotnet new blazorhybrid --CreateAndroidProject false --CreateiOSProject false -o AppWithoutAndroidAndiOS


The command line options such as --CreateiOSProject are case-sensitive. An error will be shown if the supplied options don't match supported names.

Other dotnet new options

For a complete reference of dotnet new options, refer to the dotnet new documentation.