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The GetControlInterface method gets a reference to the specified control interface, if this part supports it.

HRESULT GetControlInterface(
  UINT  nIndex,
  IControlInterface  **ppFunction



[in]  The control interface number. If a part supports n control interfaces, the control interfaces are numbered from 0 to n – 1.


[out]  Pointer to a pointer variable into which the method writes the address of the IControlInterface interface of the specified audio function. Through this method, the caller obtains a counted reference to the interface. The caller is responsible for releasing the interface, when it is no longer needed, by calling the interface's Release method. If the GetControlInterface call fails, *ppFunction is NULL.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, possible return codes include, but are not limited to, the values shown in the following table.

Return code Description
E_POINTER Pointer ppFunction is NULL.
E_INVALIDARG Parameter nIndex is out of range.
E_NOTFOUND The part does not have a control interface.


Client: Windows Vista

Header: Include Devicetopology.h.

See Also

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