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The GetSupportedFormats method retrieves the supported formats for a specified object type on the device. For example, specifying audio objects might return WPD_OBJECT_FORMAT_WMA, WPD_OBJECT_FORMAT_WAV, and WPD_OBJECT_FORMAT_MP3.


  HRESULT GetSupportedFormats(
  REFGUID  ContentType,
  IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection**  ppFormats



[in]  A REFGUID that specifies a content type, such as image, audio, or video. For a list of content types that are defined by Windows Portable Devices, see Requirements for Objects.


[out]  Address of a variable that receives a pointer to an IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection interface that lists the supported formats for the specified content type. These are GUID values (type VT_CLSID) in the retrieved collection items. For a list of formats that are supported by Windows Portable Devices, see Object Formats. The caller must release this interface when it is done with it.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_POINTER At least one of the arguments was a NULL pointer.


Header: Defined in PortableDeviceApi.h

Library: PortableDeviceGUIDs.lib

See Also

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