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IPortableDeviceProperties Interface

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IPortableDeviceProperties Interface

The IPortableDeviceProperties interface retrieves, adds, or deletes properties from an object on a device, or the device itself. To get this interface, call IPortableDeviceContent::Properties on an object. To get this interface for the object, specify WPD_DEVICE_OBJECT_ID in GetValues.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IPortableDeviceProperties interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Cancel Cancels a pending call on this interface.
Delete Deletes specified properties from a specified object on a device.
GetPropertyAttributes Retrieves attributes of a specified object property on a device.
GetSupportedProperties Retrieves a list of properties that a specified object supports.
GetValues Retrieves a list of specified properties from a specified object on a device.
SetValues Adds or modifies one or more properties on a specified object on a device.

See Also

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