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External Device Interfaces for DV Camcorders

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

External Device Interfaces for DV Camcorders

The WDM Video Capture filter exposes three interfaces for controlling a camcorder.

IAMExtDevice The base interface for external device control.
IAMExtTransport Controls the VCR functions.
IAMTimecodeReader Reads timecode from the device.
  • **Note   **To use these interfaces with the MSDV camcorder driver, include the header file XPrtDefs.h in your project.

After you select a capture device and create an instance of the capture filter, query the filter for these interfaces. The following example declares a custom structure that holds the interface pointers, along with Boolean values that specify the availability of each interface:

struct _MyDevCap
    IAMExtDevice       *pDevice;
    IAMExtTransport    *pTransport;
    IAMTimecodeReader  *pTimecode;
    BOOL                bHasDevice;
    BOOL                bHasTransport;
    BOOL                bHasTimecode;
} MyDevCap;

IBaseFilter *pDVCam;  // Pointer to the capture filter.

// Create an instance of the capture filter (not shown).

hr = pDVCam->QueryInterface(IID_IAMExtDevice, (void **)&MyDevCap.pDevice);
MyDevCap.bHasDevice = (SUCCEEDED(hr));

hr = pDVCam->QueryInterface(IID_IAMExtTransport, (void **)&MyDevCap.pTransport);
MyDevCap.bHasTransport = (SUCCEEDED(hr));

hr = pDVCam->QueryInterface(IID_IAMTimecodeReader, (void **)&MyDevCap.pTimecode);
MyDevCap.bHasTimecode = (SUCCEEDED(hr));

See Also