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TV Ratings Interfaces

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

TV Ratings Interfaces

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The following table lists the interfaces that are defined for the TV Ratings objects.

Interface Description
IDTFilter Exposed by the Decrypter/Detagger filter.
IDTFilter2 Extends the IDTFilter interface.
IDTFilter3 Extends the IDTFilter2 interface.
IDTFilterConfig Configures the Decrypter/Detagger filter.
IETFilter Exposed by the Encrypter/Tagger filter.
IETFilterConfig Configures the Encrypter/Tagger filter.
IEvalRat Evaluates content ratings carried by a broadcast stream.
IXDSCodec Exposed by the XDS Codec filter.
IXDSCodecConfig Configures the XDS Codec filter.
IXDSToRat Parses rating information from extended data services (XDS) information in line 21.

See Also