Current Tempo Box
The Current Tempo box displays the tempo of the active component in beats per minute. You can use the box to edit the tempo of a component by entering a new tempo, in increments of .01 beats per minute, from 1 to 1000. The tempo is saved when you save changes to the component.
Only styles and segments have a tempo. A style has one tempo for all the patterns and motifs it contains. Segments can contain multiple tempos—as many as one per beat—and the value shown in the Current Tempo box reflects the tempo at the point where the cursor is located in the segment.
Other DirectMusic Producer components—for example, chordmaps, DLS collections, and bands—do not have tempo markings. When these components are active, the Current Tempo box is disabled.
When a style is the active component, you must select a pattern or a motif in the style window to see the style's tempo appear in the Current Tempo box.
If the active component is playing and you activate a different component, the Current Tempo box is not updated until you stop playback. Similarly, if you change the component in the Transport list while the active component is playing, you must click the Transition button to hear a new tempo take effect.
Secondary segments use the same tempo as the primary component, and therefore do not affect the Current Tempo box. For more information, see Primary and Secondary Segments.