Pausing Segments
To pause a segment, you must ascertain the current play position before stopping the segment. The following example function returns the current play position in music time.
MUSIC_TIME GetTimeOffset(const MUSIC_TIME mtNow, // From GetTime
const MUSIC_TIME mtStartTime, // From GetStartTime
const MUSIC_TIME mtStartPoint, // From GetStartPoint
const MUSIC_TIME mtLoopStart, // From GetLoopPoints
const MUSIC_TIME mtLoopEnd, // From GetLoopPoints
const MUSIC_TIME mtLength, // From GetLength
const DWORD dwLoopRepeats) // From GetRepeats
// Convert mtNow from absolute time to an offset
// from when the segment started playing.
LONGLONG llOffset = mtNow - (mtStartTime - mtStartPoint);
// If mtLoopEnd is not zero, set llLoopEnd to mtLoopEnd;
// otherwise use the segment length.
LONGLONG llLoopEnd = mtLoopEnd ? mtLoopEnd : mtLength;
LONGLONG llLoopStart = mtLoopStart;
// Adjust offset to take looping into account.
if ((dwLoopRepeats != 0) && (llLoopStart < llLoopEnd) && (llLoopEnd > mtStartPoint))
if ((dwLoopRepeats != DMUS_SEG_REPEAT_INFINITE)
&& (llOffset > (llLoopStart + (llLoopEnd - llLoopStart) *(signed)dwLoopRepeats)))
llOffset -= (llLoopEnd - llLoopStart) * dwLoopRepeats;
else if (llOffset > llLoopStart)
llOffset = llLoopStart + (llOffset - llLoopStart) % (llLoopEnd - llLoopStart);
llOffset = min(llOffset, LONG_MAX); // LONG_MAX is defined in Limits.h.
return long(llOffset);
To restart the segment at the correct position, pass the return value of the sample function to IDirectMusicSegment8::SetStartPoint before calling IDirectMusicPerformance8::PlaySegmentEx.
Note The mtLength parameter of the example function will normally be 1 for segments loaded from WAV files. In this case, before calling SetStartPoint you must use IDirectMusicSegment8::SetLength to set the length of the segment to at least 1 tick more than the current offset. For more information, see IDirectMusicSegment8::SetStartPoint.