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PaletteEntry.PaletteEntry(Byte,Byte,Byte,Byte) Constructor (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Initializes a new instance of the PaletteEntry class.


Visual Basic Public Sub New( _
    ByVal red As Byte, _
    ByVal green As Byte, _
    ByVal blue As Byte, _
    ByVal flags As Byte _
C# public PaletteEntry(
    byte red,
    byte green,
    byte blue,
    byte flags
C++ public:
    unsigned char red,
    unsigned char green,
    unsigned char blue,
    unsigned char flags
JScript public function PaletteEntry(
    red : byte,
    green : byte,
    blue : byte,
    flags : byte


red System.Byte
Red intensity value for the palette entry.
green System.Byte
Green intensity value for the palette entry.
blue System.Byte
Blue intensity value for the palette entry.
flags System.Byte
Alpha intensity value for the palette entry.