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Filter Enumeration (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage.


Visual Basic Public Enum Filter
C# public enum Filter
C++ public enum class Filter
JScript public enum Filter


Member Value Description
Box 5 Each pixel is computed by averaging a 2x2(x2) box of pixels from the source image. This filter works only when the dimensions of the destination are half those of the source, as is the case with mipmaps.
Point 2 Each destination pixel is computed by sampling the nearest pixel from the source image.
Srgb 6291456 Same as specifying SrgbIn | SrgbOut.
SrgbOut 4194304 Output data is in sRGB (gamma 2.2) color space.
SrgbIn 2097152 Input data is in sRGB (gamma 2.2) color space.
DitherDiffusion 1048576 Resulting image must be dithered using a 4x4 ordered dither algorithm.
Dither 524288 Resulting image must be dithered using a 4x4 ordered dither algorithm.
Mirror 458752 Same as specifying the MirrorU, MirrorV, and MirrorW flags. This flag is always used internally for this function.
MirrorW 262144 Pixels off the edge of the texture on the w-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
MirrorV 131072 Pixels off the edge of the texture on the v-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
MirrorU 65536 Pixels off the edge of the texture on the u-axis should be mirrored, not wrapped.
Triangle 4 Each pixel in the source image contributes equally to the destination image. This is the slowest of the filters.
Linear 3 Bilinear interpolation filtering is used as a texture magnification or minification filter. A weighted average of a 2x2 area of texels surrounding the desired pixel is used. The texture filter to use between mipmap levels is trilinear mipmap interpolation. The rasterizer interpolates pixel color in a linear manner, using the texels of the two nearest textures.
None 1 Mipmapping disabled. The rasterizer uses the magnification filter instead.


Each valid filter must contain exactly one of the following flags: None, Point, Linear, Triangle, or Box. In addition, the bitwise OR operator can be used to specify zero or more of the following optional flags with a valid filter: MirrorU, MirrorV, MirrorW, Mirror, or Dither.

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX (microsoft.directx.direct3dx.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also