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Mesh.UpdateUnmanagedPointer(ID3DXMesh) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Updates the unmanaged pointer for this Mesh object. This method supports the Microsoft .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly in your code.


Visual Basic Public Sub UpdateUnmanagedPointer( _
    ByVal pInterface As ID3DXMesh _
C# public void UpdateUnmanagedPointer(
    ID3DXMesh pInterface
C++ public:
void UpdateUnmanagedPointer(
    ID3DXMesh pInterface
JScript public function UpdateUnmanagedPointer(
    pInterface : ID3DXMesh


pInterface Microsoft.DirectX.PrivateImplementationDetails.ID3DXMesh
Pointer to the ID3DXMesh structure used to update the unmanaged pointer for this Mesh object.