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MSTransportDiagnosticsStats Dictionary object

[Some information relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.]

Contains metrics relating to connectivity.


dictionary MSTransportDiagnosticsStats {
             DOMString              baseAddress;
             DOMString              localAddress;
             DOMString              localSite;
             DOMString              networkName;
             DOMString              remoteAddress;
             DOMString              remoteSite;
             DOMString              localMR;
             DOMString              remoteMR;
             MSIceWarningFlags      iceWarningFlags;
             unsigned short         portRangeMin;
             unsigned short         portRangeMax;
             unsigned short         localMRTCPPort;
             unsigned short         remoteMRTCPPort;
             unsigned long          stunVer;
             unsigned long          numConsentReqSent;
             unsigned long          numConsentReqReceived;
             unsigned long          numConsentRespSent;
             unsigned long          numConsentRespReceived;
             MSNetworkInterfaceType interfaces;
             MSNetworkInterfaceType baseInterface;
             RTCIceProtocol         protocol;
             MSNetworkInterfaceType localInterface;
             MSIceAddrType          localAddrType;
             MSIceAddrType          remoteAddrType;
             RTCIceRole             iceRole;
             boolean                rtpRtcpMux;
             unsigned long          allocationTimeInMs;

Standards information

MSTransportDiagnosticsStats Dictionary

Member Type Description
baseAddress DOMString Local IP address of interface used for allocating relay candidates.
localAddress DOMString Local interface IP address used for media flow at end of connectivity checks.
localSite DOMString Field identifies the location of the user. If relay allocations are successful this field will hold the server reflexive address IP. (external NAT mapped address). If not one of the local interface IP address.
networkName DOMString Network name that the user endpoint is connected to.
remoteAddress DOMString IP address of remote endpoint to which media will be sent at end of connectivity checks.
remoteSite DOMString Field identifies the location of the remote endpoint. If relay allocations are successful this field will hold the server reflexive address IP. (external NAT mapped address) If not one of the remote local interface IP address.
localMR DOMString If local relay allocation is successful this field will hold the IP address of the media relay allocated candidate. If relay allocation has failed, this field will hold the address of the configured media relay server.
remoteMR DOMString IP address of the TURN candidate gathered by the remote endpoint.
iceWarningFlags MSIceWarningFlags Flags for diagnosing connectivity failures.
portRangeMin unsigned short Lowest port that will be used for the media sessions.
portRangeMax unsigned short Highest port that will be used for the media sessions.
localMRTCPPort unsigned short Allocated TCP port on the media relay server.
remoteMRTCPPort unsigned short Allocated TCP port on the media relay server of the peer endpoint.
stunVer unsigned long Version of STUN selected for connectivity checks.
numConsentReqSent unsigned long Number of ICE consent requests sent.
numConsentReqReceived unsigned long Number of ICE consent requests received.
numConsentRespSent unsigned long Number of ICE consent responses sent.
numConsentRespReceived unsigned long Number of ICE consent responses received.
interfaces MSNetworkInterfaceType Interface types available and used for connectivity checks.
baseInterface MSNetworkInterfaceType Interface type used for allocating relay candidates.
protocol RTCIceProtocol Protocol used for media flow.
localInterface MSNetworkInterfaceType Local interface type selected for media flow at end of connectivity checks.
localAddrType MSIceAddrType Candidate type used for media flow at end of connectivity checks.
remoteAddrType MSIceAddrType Candidate type of remote endpoint selected by connectivity checks.
iceRole RTCIceRole ICE role for connectivity checks.
rtpRtcpMux boolean Whether RTP/RTCP mux is in use. 1=> enabled.
allocationTimeInMs unsigned long The time elapsed in ICE candidate allocation, in ms.


See also

Statistics extensions

Statistics API