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email1 Field

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

The email1 field specifies the primary e-mail address of the contact.

Full Name


Named Constant


Variant Subtype






The email1 field is also available as the Email Property.

The email1 field can be used for the following purposes:

  • As a mail attribute to hold the single-valued primary SMTP address.
  • As a multivalued proxyAddresses attribute to hold the full list of addresses for routing, queried for Sender address. Note that each e-mail address stored in this attribute is prefixed by an address type identifier, such as SMTP or X400, followed by a colon (:). If the address type identifier is in all uppercase letters/numbers, that identifier is the primary address of this type, and should be used as a default reply address. There can be only one primary address per address type.
  • As a single-valued textEncodedORAddress to hold the primary X.400 address.
  • As a single-valued targetAddress to hold the primary routing address for contacts, formerly called custom recipients (CRs), used for routing.

