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Registering for Store-Wide Events

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-12

Global events can only be registered in the following folders:

For private mailbox stores:


For public folders:

file://./backofficestorage/ADMIN/%userdnsdomain%/Public Folders/Non_ipm_subtree/StoreEvents{GUID}/GlobalEvents


Server-wide events are not supported.

To access the global schema of an application or a public store, use The ##SCHEMAURI## Macro.

Global events can be registered only by an Administrator, a member of the Domain Administrators group, or users in the Microsoft® Exchange Administrators role. It is not enough to be a member of the Administrators group or the Exchange Server group. To make a user an Exchange Administrator, use the Exchange Administration Delegation Wizard in the Exchange Management console.


Global events must be synchronous. It is not possible register an asynchronous event globally.

The following code demonstrates how to register for a private store-wide event:

dim igetSG
dim regURL
dim WshShell
dim Return

set igetSG=CreateObject("Exoledb.StoreGuidFromUrl.1")
'Get the GUID for the registration process
guid = igetSG.StoreGuidFromUrl("file://./backofficestorage/" + Anystoreitem)
'Anystoreitem is just that. Any store item in the store will get you the
'store url. It might be something like:
'   ""

'Build the registration URL (using "")
regURL = "file://./backofficestorage/ADMIN/" & guid & "/StoreEvents/GlobalEvents/my_event"

set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Return = WshShell.Run ("cscript c:\regevent.vbs add onsyncsave mysink.sink " & regURL & " -m ANY", 4 , TRUE)

WScript.Echo Return