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Topic Last Modified: 2007-11-09

CDO for Exchange 2000 Server (CDOEX) provides the fundamental tools you need for building collaboration applications that use the Exchange store and the Active Directory® directory service. CDOEX provides the fundamental interfaces and Component Object Model (COM) classes that are used to manage most types of items in the Exchange store. In Exchange Server 2003, the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) Workflow Objects for Exchange and the CDO for Exchange Management (CDOEXM) COM components extend this core component to provide additional functionality. CDOEXM and CDOWF do not ship in Exchange Serve 2007.

By using CDOEX, you can do the following:

  • Manage items in the Exchange store (both folders and non-folder items).
  • Create, modify, delete, send, and post messages in Internet formats.
  • Manage all aspects of calendar and appointment interchange and related messages, including the messages that contain meeting requests and that respond to meeting requests.
  • Manage appointments in a user's calendar folder or in public folders.
  • Manage contact information in a user's contacts folder, in public folders, and in Active Directory.

The following table lists the CDOEX COM classes and interfaces and provides a brief description of each.

CDOEX COM class CDOEX interface Description

Configuration CoClass

IConfiguration Interface

Used to configure CDO objects.

Item CoClass

IItem Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to manage items in the Exchange store.

Folder CoClass

IFolder Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to manage folder items in the Exchange store.

Appointment CoClass

IAppointment Interface, IBodyPart Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to create and manage appointment items in the Exchange store.

Person CoClass

IPerson Interface, IDataSource Interface, IMailBox Interface

Used to create and manage user and contact information in the Exchange store and Active Directory.

Message CoClass

IMessage Interface, IBodyPart Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to create, send, respond to, and manage message items in the Exchange store.

CalendarMessage CoClass

ICalendarMessage Interface, IMessage Interface, IBodyPart Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to create, send, reply to, and manage messages in the Exchange store that contain calendar-related information.

Addressee CoClass

IAddressee Interface, IDataSource Interface

Used to resolve addresses in Active Directory and retrieve a user's free/busy status.

Attendee CoClass

IAttendee Interface

Used to add attendees to appointments.

You can use the CDOEX component as a foundation upon which to build your application's COM/COM+ components. You can aggregate the CDOEX Item and Folder COM objects in your COM objects at run time, and thereby expose consistent, CDO-based implementations of the CDOEX IItem Interface and IFolder Interface to clients.

CDOEX supports various Internet Standard formats for messages, calendar information exchange, and contact information exchange, including RFC 822, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), iCalendar, and vCard formats.