MsoGradientStyle Enumeration
Office Developer Reference |
Specifies the style for a gradient fill.
msoGradientDiagonalDown |
4 |
Diagonal gradient moving from a top corner down to the opposite corner. |
msoGradientDiagonalUp |
3 |
Diagonal gradient moving from a bottom corner up to the opposite corner. |
msoGradientFromCenter |
7 |
Gradient running from the center out to the corners. |
msoGradientFromCorner |
5 |
Gradient running from a corner to the other three corners. |
msoGradientFromTitle |
6 |
Gradient running from the title outward. |
msoGradientHorizontal |
1 |
Gradient running horizontally across the shape. |
msoGradientMixed |
-2 |
Gradient is mixed. |
msoGradientVertical |
2 |
Gradient running vertically down the shape. |