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PublishObjects.Item Property

Excel Developer Reference

Returns a single object from a collection.



expression   A variable that represents a PublishObjects object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Index Required Variant The name or index number of the object.


This example obtains the identifier from a <DIV> tag and finds the line in a Web page (q198.htm) that you saved from a workbook. The example then creates a copy of the Web page (newq1.htm) and inserts a comment line before the <DIV> tag in the copy of the file.

Visual Basic for Applications
  strTargetDivID = ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Item(1).DivID
Open "\\server1\reports\q198.htm" For Input As #1
Open "\\server1\reports\newq1.htm" For Output As #2
While Not EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, strFileLine
    If InStr(strFileLine, strTargetDivID) > 0 And _
        InStr(strFileLine, "<div") > 0 Then
            Print #2, "<!--Saved item-->"
    End If
    Print #2, strFileLine
Close #2
Close #1

See Also