ErrorCheckingOptions Object
Excel Developer Reference |
Represents the error-checking options for an application.
Use the ErrorCheckingOptions property of the Application object to return an ErrorCheckingOptions object.
Reference the Item property of the Errors object to view a list of index values associated with error-checking options.
Once an ErrorCheckingOptions object is returned, you can use the following properties, which are members of the ErrorCheckingOptions object, to set or return error checking options.
- BackgroundChecking
- EmptyCellReferences
- EvaluateToError
- InconsistentFormula
- IndicatorColorIndex
- NumberAsText
- OmittedCells
- TextDate
- UnlockedFormulaCells
The following example uses the TextDate property to enable error checking for two-digit-year text dates and notifies the user.
Visual Basic for Applications |
See Also