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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Information for downloading the contents of a folder from the server during the download table state, as part of a full synchronization for contents on a store.

Quick Info

struct DNTBL 
    ULONG ulFlags; 
    LPSTREAM pstmReserved1; 
    LPSTREAM pstmReserved2; 
    LPSTREAM pstmReserved3; 
    LPSTREAM pstmReserved4; 
    PXICC pxicc; 
    PXIHC pxihc; 
    LPSTR pszName; 
    FILETIME ftLastMod; 
    ULONG ulRights; 
    FEID feid; 
    UINT uintReserved; 
    DNTBLE rgte[2]; 
    LPSRestriction psrReserved; 
    BOOL boReserved; 
    void* pReserved1; 
    void* pReserved2; 


  • ulFlags
    [in] Flags to modify behavior

    • DNT_OK

      • [in] Download was successful. The client sets this after downloading information from the server.
  • pstmReserved1
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pstmReserved2
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pstmReserved3
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pstmReserved4
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pxicc
    [out] Pointer to the IExchangeImportContentsChanges contents interface that supports downloading content changes. For more information on IExchangeImportContentsChanges, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

  • pxihc
    [out] Pointer to the IExchangeImportHierarchyChanges hierarchy interface that supports downloading incremental hierarchy changes. For more information on IExchangeImportHierarchyChanges, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

  • pszName
    [out] Name of the folder.

  • ftLastMod
    [out] Last modification time of the folder.

  • ulRights
    [out] Value of the **PR_RIGHTS**property of the folder.

  • feid
    [out] Entry ID of the folder.

  • uintReserved
    [out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • rgte
    [out] Changes for normal (or non-hidden) and associated (or hidden) items. rgte[0] is for normal items, and rgte[1] is for associated items. Outlook populates this member during the downloading when using Incremental Change Synchronization (ICS). For more information on ICS, see ICS Evaluation Criteria.

  • lpsrReserved
    [in]/[out] This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • boReserved
    [in]This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pReserved1
    [out]This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

  • pReserved2
    [in]This member is reserved for the internal use of Outlook and is not supported.

See Also


About the Replication State Machine

MAPI Constants