XMLNode Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Represents a single XML element applied to a document.
The XMLNode type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Copy | Copies the specified object to the Clipboard. | |
Cut | Removes the specified object from the document and places it on the Clipboard. | |
Delete | Deletes the specified object. | |
RemoveChild | Removes the specified child element from the specified element. | |
SelectNodes | Returns a XMLNodes collection that represents all the nodes that match a specified XPath string in the order in which they appear. | |
SelectSingleNode | Returns an XMLNode object that represents the first node that matches a specified XPath string in the specified document. | |
SetValidationError | Changes the validation error text displayed to a user for a specified node and forces Microsoft Word to report a node as invalid. | |
Validate | Verifies an individual XML element or the entire document against the attached XML schema or schemas. |
Name | Description | |
Application | Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application. | |
Attributes | Returns a XMLNodes collection that represents the attributes for the specified element. | |
BaseName | Returns a String that represents the name of the element without any prefix. | |
ChildNodes | Returns a XMLNodes collection that represents the child elements of a specified element. | |
ChildNodeSuggestions | Returns a XMLChildNodeSuggestions collection that represents the list of allowed elements for the XMLNode object (which returns the child elements of a specified element). | |
Creator | Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created. | |
FirstChild | Returns a DiagramNode object that represents the first child node of a parent node. | |
HasChildNodes | Determines if the specified XML element has child elements. | |
LastChild | Returns a DiagramNode object that represents the last child node of a parent node. | |
Level | Returns the level of the specified XML element within the hierarchy of elements applied to a document. | |
NamespaceURI | Returns a String that represents the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the schema namespace for the specified object. | |
NextSibling | Returns a XMLNode object that represents the next element in the document that is at the same level as the specified element. | |
NodeType | Returns a WdXMLNodeType constant that represents the type of node. | |
NodeValue | Returns or sets a String that represents the value of an attribute. | |
OwnerDocument | Returns a Document object that represents the parent document of the specified XML element. | |
Parent | Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. | |
ParentNode | Returns a XMLNode object that represents the parent element of the specified element. | |
PlaceholderText | Returns or sets a String that represents the text displayed for an element that contains no text. | |
PreviousSibling | Returns a XMLNode object that represents the previous element in the document that is at the same level as the specified element. | |
Range | Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that's contained in the specified object. | |
SmartTag | Returns a SmartTag object that represents the smart tag associated with an XML element. | |
Text | Returns or sets a String that represents the text displayed for an XML element. | |
ValidationErrorText | Returns a String that represents the description for a validation error on an XMLNode object. | |
ValidationStatus | Returns a WdXMLValidationStatus constant that represents whether an element or attribute is valid according to the attached schema. | |
WordOpenXML | Returns a String that represents the XML for the node in the Microsoft Office Word Open XML format. Read-only. | |
XML | Returns a String that represents the XML text in the specified object. |