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TaxonomyField Members

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Represents a taxonomy field.

The TaxonomyField type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TaxonomyField(SPFieldCollection, String) Initializes a new instance of the TaxonomyField object that is based on the specified field collection and name.
Public method TaxonomyField(SPFieldCollection, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the TaxonomyField object that is based on the specified field collection, type name, and display name.



  Name Description
Public property AggregationFunction (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property AllowDeletion (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property AllowMultipleValues Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether multiple Term objects can be used in the TaxonomyField object. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.AllowMultipleValues.)
Public property AnchorId Gets or sets the GUID of the anchor Term object for a TaxonomyField object.
Public property AuthoringInfo (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property CanBeDeleted (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property CanBeDisplayedInEditForm (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property CanToggleHidden (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property CompositeIndexable (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property CountRelated (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property CreateValuesInEditForm Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the new Term objects can be added to the TermSet while typing in the TaxonomyField editor control.
Public property DefaultFormula (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property DefaultListField (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property DefaultValue (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property DefaultValueTyped Gets the default TaxonomyFieldValueCollection or the TaxonomyFieldValue object. (Overrides SPField.DefaultValueTyped.)
Public property Description (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property DescriptionResource (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Direction (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property DisplaySize (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property EnforceUniqueValues (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property FieldReferences (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property FieldRenderingControl Gets a TaxonomyFieldControl object that can be used to render the TaxonomyField object. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.FieldRenderingControl.)
Public property FieldRenderingMobileControl Gets the mobile control that is used to render the TaxonomyField object in mobile applications. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.FieldRenderingMobileControl.)
Public property FieldTypeDefinition (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property FieldValueType Gets the type of the TaxonomyField object. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.FieldValueType.)
Public property Filterable (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property FilterableNoRecurrence (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property FromBaseType (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Group (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Hidden (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Id (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property IMEMode (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Indexable (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Indexed (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property InternalName (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property IsAnchorValid Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Term object identified by the T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField.AnchorId property is valid.
Public property IsDependentLookup (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property IsKeyword Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the TaxonomyField value points to the Enterprise Keywords TermSet object.
Public property IsPathRendered Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the default Label objects of all the parent Term objects of a Term in the TaxonomyField object will be rendered in addition to the default label of that Term.
Public property IsRelationship (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property IsTermSetValid Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the TermSet object identified by the TermSetId property exists and is available for tagging.
Public property JumpToField (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property LinkToItem (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property LinkToItemAllowed (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ListItemMenu (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ListItemMenuAllowed (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property LookupField (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property LookupList (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property LookupWebId (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property NoCrawl (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Open Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the TaxonomyField object is linked to an open TermSet object or a closed TermSet.
Public property ParentList (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PIAttribute (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PITarget (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PrependId (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property PreviewValueTyped (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PrimaryFieldId (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property PrimaryPIAttribute (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PrimaryPITarget (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property PushChangesToLists (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ReadOnlyField (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property RelatedField (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property RelationshipDeleteBehavior (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property Reorderable (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Required (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property SchemaXml (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property SchemaXmlWithResourceTokens (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Scope (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Sealed (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInDisplayForm (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInEditForm (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInListSettings (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInNewForm (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInVersionHistory (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ShowInViewForms (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Sortable (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property SourceId (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property SspId Gets or sets the GUID that identifies the TermStore object, which contains the Enterprise Keywords for the site that the current TaxonomyField belongs to.
Public property StaticName (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TargetTemplate Gets or sets the Web-relative URL of the target page that is used to construct the hyperlink on each Term object when the TaxonomyField object is rendered.
Public propertyStatic member TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter Gets the character that is used to delimit GUIDs and labels in the string representation of the value of a TaxonomyField object.
Public propertyStatic member TaxonomyMultipleTermDelimiter Gets the character used to delimit multiple Term objects in the string representation of a taxonomy field value collection.
Public propertyStatic member TaxonomyTermPathDelimiter Gets the character used to delimit Term labels in the path string returned by the GetPath() method.
Public property TermSetId Gets or sets the GUID of the TermSet object that contains the Term objects used by the current TaxonomyField object.
Public property TextField Gets or sets the GUID that identifies the hidden text field in an item.
Public property Title (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TitleResource (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TranslationXml (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Type (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TypeAsString (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TypeDisplayName (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property TypeShortDescription (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public property UsedInWebContentTypes (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property UserCreated Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the TaxonomyField object is linked to a customized TermSet object.
Public property ValidationEcmaScript (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ValidationFormula (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property ValidationMessage (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property Version (Inherited from SPField.)
Public property XPath (Inherited from SPField.)



  Name Description
Public method Delete (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member FilteringJavascript Returns a string containing the that must be rendered on a page to display hierarchical filtering in the filter menu.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetCustomProperty (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method GetDependentLookupInternalNames (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public method GetFieldValue Converts the specified string value into a TaxonomyFieldValue or a TaxonomyFieldValueCollection object. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.GetFieldValue(String).)
Public method GetFieldValueAsHtml Returns the field value in HTML format in order to render the field valuedirectly on a page. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.GetFieldValueAsHtml(Object).)
Public method GetFieldValueAsText Returns a plain text representation of the field value. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.GetFieldValueAsText(Object).)
Public method GetFieldValueForEdit (Inherited from SPField.)
Public methodStatic member GetFilteringHtml Constructs an HTML string that can be rendered to display a list of Term objects that can be used to filter on the specified TaxonomyField object.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetProperty (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetValidatedString Validates the field value object using logic specific to the TaxonomyField object, and returns a serialized string representation of the validated field value object. (Overrides SPField.GetValidatedString(Object).)
Public methodStatic member GetWssIdsOfKeywordTerm Gets an array of the list item IDs of all the list items in the taxonomy hidden list where the Enterprise Keywords field contains the specified Term object.
Public methodStatic member GetWssIdsOfTerm Gets an array of the list item IDs for all of the list items in the taxonomy hidden list that contain the specified Term object.
Protected method HasValue Represents whether the current TaxonomyField object has a value. (Overrides SPFieldLookup.HasValue(Object).)
Public method ListsFieldUsedIn (Inherited from SPField.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method OnAdded Occurs after a TaxonomyField object is added. (Overrides SPField.OnAdded(SPAddFieldOptions).)
Public method OnAddingToContentType Occurs when a TaxonomyField object is added to a specified content type. (Overrides SPField.OnAddingToContentType(SPContentType).)
Public method OnDeleting Occurs when a TaxonomyField object is being deleted. (Overrides SPField.OnDeleting().)
Public method OnDeletingFromContentType Occurs when a TaxonomyField object is deleted from a specified content type. (Overrides SPField.OnDeletingFromContentType(SPContentType).)
Protected method OnInitFieldNode (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public method OnUpdated (Inherited from SPFieldLookup.)
Public method ParseAndSetValue (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method SetCustomProperty (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, TaxonomyFieldValue) Sets the value of the corresponding field in the list item to the value of the specified TaxonomyFieldValue object.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, TaxonomyFieldValueCollection) Sets the value of the corresponding multi-valued field in the list item to the value of the specified TaxonomyFieldValueCollection object.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, Term) Sets the value of the corresponding field in the list item to the properties of the specified Term object in the default language of the TermStore object.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, TermCollection) Sets the value of the corresponding multi-value field in the list item to the properties of the Term objects in the specified collection.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, ICollection<Term>) Sets the value of the corresponding multi-value field in the list item to the properties of the T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.Term objects in the specified collection.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, Term, Int32) Sets the value of the corresponding field in the list item to the properties of the specified Term in the specified language.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, TermCollection, Int32) Sets the value of the corresponding multi-value field in the list item to the properties of the Term objects in the specified collection, in the specified language.
Public method SetFieldValue(SPListItem, ICollection<Term>, Int32) Sets the value of the corresponding multi-value field in the list item to the properties of the Term objects in the specified collection, in the specified language.
Public method ToString (Inherited from SPField.)
Public method Update() Updates the database with changes that are made to the TaxonomyField object. (Overrides SPField.Update().)
Public method Update(Boolean) (Inherited from SPField.)


See Also


TaxonomyField Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy Namespace