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Group Members

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Represents the top-level container in a TermStore object.

The Group type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Contributors Returns the SPAcl indicating the users who are contributors to the current Group object.
Public property CreatedDate Gets the DateTime at which this item was created. (Inherited from TaxonomyItem.)
Public property Description Gets or sets the description of this Group object
Public property GroupManagers Returns the SPAcl indicating the users who are group managers for this Group object.
Public property Id Gets the Id of the current T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyItem. (Inherited from TaxonomyItem.)
Public property IsSiteCollectionGroup Gets whether this Group object is a site collection Group.
Public property IsSystemGroup Gets whether this Group object is the system Group.
Public property LastModifiedDate Gets the DateTime at which this item was most recently updated. (Inherited from TaxonomyItem.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this Group object. (Overrides TaxonomyItem.Name.)
Public property SiteCollectionAccessIds Gets a list of SPSite IDs that have access to the local site collection group.
Public property TermSets Gets a collection of the child TermSet instances of this Group
Public property TermStore Gets the TermStore object from which the current TaxonomyItem was retrieved. (Inherited from TaxonomyItem.)



  Name Description
Public method AddContributor Adds a contributor to the Group object.
Public method AddGroupManager Adds a group manager to the Group object.
Public method AddSiteCollectionAccess Adds a site collection to have access to its local site collection group.
Public method CreateTermSet(String) Creates a new TaxonomyTermSet object in this Group object by using the term store working language.
Public method CreateTermSet(String, Guid) Creates a new T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TermSet object in this T:Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.Group object by using the working language of the TermStore object and the specified unique identifier.
Public method CreateTermSet(String, Int32) Creates a new TermSet object in the current Group object by using the provided language.
Public method CreateTermSet(String, Guid, Int32) Creates a new TermSet object in the current Group object by using the provided language and the specified unique identifier.
Public method Delete Deletes this Group from the TermStore object. (Overrides TaxonomyItem.Delete().)
Public method DeleteContributor Deletes a contributor from the Group object.
Public method DeleteGroupManager Deletes a group manager from the Group object.
Public method DeleteSiteCollectionAccess Removes site collection access to local site collection group.
Public method DoesUserHavePermissions Checks whether the current user has the permissions specified.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Export This method is not implemented.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChanges(DateTime) Gets a collection of ChangedItem objects that represent changes to this Group since a specified time.
Public method GetChanges(DateTime, ChangedItemType) Gets a collection of ChangedItem instances that represent changes to the current Group object since a specified time, restricted by item type.
Public method GetChanges(DateTime, ChangedItemType, ChangedOperationType) Gets a collection of ChangedItem objects that represent changes to this Group object since a specified time, restricted by item type and operation type.
Public method GetEffectivePermissions Gets the TaxonomyRights permissions of the current user in this Group object
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


Group Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy Namespace