Identity Element (View)
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Used in a New or Edit form to render hidden fields used by the form.
Attribute |
Description |
None |
N/A |
Child Elements
None |
Parent Elements
Numerous |
Minimum: 0 Maximum: Unbounded |
The Identity element renders a set of hidden <INPUT> tags that allow the server to identify which item is being edited when a form is submitted, the version of the item, and the time that the item was last modified (in the case of a document library) for multiuser conflict detection.
The Identity element renders the following <INPUT> tags for the Edit form of the first announcement in the built-in announcements list. These values are posted back to the server when a form is submitted so that the server knows the list, as well as the row, to which the POST refers. The NAME attribute's owshiddenversion value is used for conflict detection.
<INPUT ID=onetidIOHidden TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="List" VALUE="Announcements">
<INPUT ID=onetidIOHidden TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="owshiddenversion" VALUE="0">