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effective_protocol_version Parameter

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Data Type: String vector

This parameter is only used when the user publishes a Web site from one site that is enabled with FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft to another site enabled with FrontPage Server Extensions. It allows different versions of Microsoft FrontPage and FrontPage Server Extensions to interoperate. The client application sends this parameter to tell the source Web site the version of FrontPage Server Extensions in use on the destination site. FrontPage Server Extensions on the source site can then determine the need to alter site data for compatibility before the data is sent to the destination site.

This parameter takes the following form:

Server version=

  • major ver=n

  • minor ver=n

  • phase ver=n

  • verincr=v

in which n is a positive integer and v is a positive four-digit integer.

The value of the major ver parameter is the major release number of FrontPage Server Extensions on the Web server. The value of the minor ver parameter is the minor release number. The value of the phase ver parameter is the phase release of the minor release. The value of the verincr parameter is the incremental phase number of the minor release.