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Feature Object Model

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Windows SharePoint Services (version 3) offers a full object model for discovering the list of installed features within a given scope, and for controlling whether features are enabled at the farm and site levels.

Feature Classes

Accessing Feature Collections

Get the collection of features for a farm, Windows SharePoint Services Web application (virtual server), site collection, or site by using one of the following properties to access the collection:


The following example displays the list of names and the GUIDs of all the features that are activated on a specified site:

SPSite siteCollection = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context);
SPWeb site = siteCollection.AllWebs["Site"];
SPFeatureCollection siteFeatures = site.Features;
System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(1033);

foreach (SPFeature siteFeature in siteFeatures)
   Response.Write("Title: " + siteFeature.Definition.GetTitle(cultureInfo) + "<BR>ID:" + siteFeature.DefinitionId.ToString() + "<BR><BR>");

The next example uses information returned through the previous example to add a feature to a subsite:

SPWeb subSite = site.Webs["SubSite"];
System.Guid guid = new System.Guid("6e005f62-f8b2-4073-a673-c035c9129946");