Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience Namespace
The Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience namespace contains classes that create Audiences and target data to a specific Audience.
Some classes or members of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience namespace are not supported. It is recommended that you refrain from using unsupported classes or members when developing solutions for Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies.
The following table lists the classes of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience namespace and shows a brief description of each.
Class | Description |
Audience | Represents the Audience object. It retrieves and updates audience information. |
AudienceAccountNameNotResolvedException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the account name string is empty. |
AudienceADImportException | Represents the exception thrown when an error occurs during Active Directory import. |
AudienceArgumentException | Represents the exception thrown when an invalid argument is found. |
AudienceCollection | Represents a collection of Audiece objects in a Portal site. |
AudienceConnectionException | Represents the exception thrown when a connection error occurs. |
AudienceDataValueOutOfRangeException | Represents the exception thrown when an out-of-range data value is found. |
AudienceDataWrongFormatException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the audience data is in an incorrect format. |
AudienceDulicateNameException | Represents the exception thrown when a duplicate audience name is found. |
AudienceException | Base class for Audience exceptions. |
AudienceExecutionException | Represents exception thrown when an error occurs during audience operation execution. |
AudienceGroupOperationException | Represents exception thrown when an error occurs during an audience group operation. |
AudienceInCompilationException | Represents exception thrown when Audience data is being compiled. |
AudienceJob | Reserved for internal use only. |
AudienceLeftContent | Represents the left side content of an audience rule. |
AudienceManager | Represents the entry point for the Audience classes. |
AudienceNameDescriptionLengthException | Represents exception thrown when the audience description exceeds the allocated length. |
AudienceNameID | Represents information associated with an audience name, such as the GUID identifier. |
AudienceNoContentException | Represents exception thrown when no content is found for the specified audience. |
AudienceNotExistException | Represents the exception thrown when Audience cannot be found in the database. |
AudienceOperator | Represents the definition of an Audience operator. |
AudienceOperatorException | Represents the exception thrown by the AudienceOperator class when an error is encountered. |
AudienceRuleComponent | Represents one rule in an Audience. |
AudienceRuleLeftContentException | Represents the exception thrown by the AudienceRuleComponent class. |
AudienceRuleRightContentException | Represents the exception thrown by the AudienceRuleComponent class. |
AudienceSite | Represents the entry point for accessing the Audience associate with a Site. |
AudienceSiteCollection | Reserved for internal use only. |
AudienceSiteInfo | Represents information for a specific instance of AudienceSite in addition to the Portal context associated with the Site. |
AudienceWrongAccountNameFormatException | Represents the exception thrown when the wrong account format is encountered. |
MembershipInfo | Represents Active Directory data for a user. |
UserInfo | Represents user information used by the user profile system. |
The following table lists the enumerations of the Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience namespace and shows a brief description of each.
Enumeration | Description |
AudienceAccessRights | Reserved for internal use only. |
AudienceGroupOperation | Specifies the operations that can be performed on a group of Audiences. |
AudienceJobReturnCode | Reserved for internal use only. |