Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.
Microsoft Speech Platform
ISpStreamFormatConverter::SetFormat sets the output format of the converter.
The ISpStreamFormat::GetFormat method returns the format of the output (converted) stream.
<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>HRESULT SetFormat(</strong> <strong> REFGUID</strong> <em>rguidFormatIdOfConvertedStream</em>, <strong> const</strong> <a runat="server" href="jj127893(v=msdn.10).md"><strong>WAVEFORMATEX</strong></a> *<em>pWaveFormatExOfConvertedStream</em> <strong>);</strong> </pre>
- rguidFormatIdOfConvertedStream
[in] Address of the data format identifier associated with the requested output stream. Can be GUID_NULL or SPDFID_WaveFormatEx. - pWaveFormatExOfConvertedStream
[in] Address of the WAVEFORMATEX structure containing the WAV file format information of the converted stream. Must be NULL with GUID_NULL. Must be a valid WAVEFORMATEX with SPDFID_WaveFormatEx.
Return Values
Value | Description |
S_OK | Function completed successfully. |
E_INVALIDARG | One of the following was encountered:
rguidFormatIdOfConvertedStream is neither GUID_NULL or SPDFID_WaveFormatEx; pWaveFormatExOfConvertedStream is not valid for the supplied REFGUID. |
You can use the helper class CSpStreamFormat and the SPSTREAMFORMAT enumeration to reduce the possibility of typos or mistakes when filling in the WAVEFORMATEX structure.