The Deployment Phase
Deployment occurs when responsibility for ongoing maintenance and support of the product officially transfers from the project team to the operations and support groups. Deployment of speech applications in call center environments tends to use phased pilot and rollout strategies. The following list shows typical deployment activities.
- Initial deployment
- Communicate to enterprise and caller population
- Run pilot test and collect tuning data
- Maintain documentation
- Train operations and support teams
- Controlled rollout
- Rollout in stages as application stabilizes
- Increase call traffic in increments up to maximum load
To | See |
Go to the next step. | The Maintenance and Tuning Phase |
Start from the beginning. | The Speech Project Lifecycle |
Get more information on gathering the information to create a Design Requirements Specification. | The Planning and Discovery Phase |
Get more information on creating an approved project plan. | The Design Phase |
Get more information on building the speech application. | The Development Phase |