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Transition a collocated Mediation Server to a stand-alone Mediation Server (optional)


Topic Last Modified: 2012-10-19

Use the procedure that follows to transition your Mediation Server, collocated on your Standard Edition server or Front End pool, to a stand-alone Mediation Server for a single-site deployment.

To transition a collocated Mediation Server to a stand-alone Mediation Server

  1. Open an existing topology from Topology Builder.

  2. In the left pane, navigate to Mediation pools.

  3. Right-click Mediation pools and select New Mediation Server.

  4. On the Define New Mediation Pool page, provide the FQDN of the new Mediation Server pool. Also, select whether this pool will be a single-server or multiple-server pool, and then click Next.

  5. Select the next hop Front End server pool to which the new Mediation Server will route inbound calls, and then click Next.

  6. Select the Edge pool to be used by the Mediation Server and then click Next.

  7. On the Specify PSTN gateways page, associate the previous PSTN gateway with the Mediation Server. Select the gateway and then click Add.

  8. Click Finish to close the Define New Mediation Pool wizard.

  9. From Topology Builder, select the top node Lync Server 2013.

  10. From the Actions pane, select Publish Topology and complete the wizard.

  11. Follow the steps in Install the files for Mediation Server in Lync Server 2013 in the Deployment documentation to install the files on the new Mediation Server.

  12. After the files are installed on the Mediation Server, return to Topology Builder, and in the left pane navigate to the pool.

  13. Right-click the pool and select Edit Properties.

  14. Under Mediation Server, clear the check box Collocated Mediation Server enabled and then click OK.

  15. From Topology Builder, select the top node Lync Server 2013.

  16. From the Action menu, select Publish Topology and complete the wizard.