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Project Server VME: Relink project workspace sites


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2010-06-14


This step is optional and is only required if you are migrating your Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 project workspace data.

After you attach the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to the farm to upgrade your project workspace sites to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, you must relink the project workspace sites to their associated projects. You can do this by using the Project Workspace Site Relinker Tool, which is located on the root of drive E in the virtual migration environment (VME).

Relinking project workspace sites in the VME is a step in the VME migration phase. For additional steps, see Project Server VME: Migration phase.

Run the tool at a command prompt with the following syntax:

RelinkAllWSSSites WSSServerURL ProjectServerURL [Silent] [QuitOnError]

Option Description


Calls the executable file.


The Windows SharePoint Services Web application that contains project workspaces.

This is a required parameter and must be entered in the form http://<server>:<port>.

Example: http://myWSSserver:80


The Project Web Access URL that contains the reference to the project workspaces to which you are relinking.

This is a required parameter and must be entered in the form http://<server>/pwa.

Example: http://myProjectserver/pwa


(Optional.) Progress information for each project is not displayed.


(Optional.) The application stops if an error is encountered.

For example:

RelinkAllWSSSites http://myWSSserver:80 http://myProjectserver/pwa Silent

You may be required run the Project Workspace Site Relinker tool multiple times to relink all the sites referenced within your Project Server instance. For example, you may have two Windows SharePoint Services Web applications (http://myWSSServer:80 and http://myWSSServer2:80) that contain project workspaces. In such a case you would run the tool twice — once for each Web application.

For more information about the tool, see Project Workspace Site Relinker Tool.