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Project Server VME: Migrate the Project Server 2003 project data


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2013-12-18

After you have migrated the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Enterprise Global data to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, you are ready to migrate your Project Server 2003 project data. For project data migration, the virtual migration environment (VME) again uses the migration tool and calls on a different configuration file specifically set to migrate only your project data. The VME automates this process for you.

Single database migration uses the P12SingleMigration.ini configuration file when you run the migration tool to migrate the project data. Split database migration uses P12SplitMigration.ini.


If you need to change the default settings in the migration configuration file, see Configure the migration tool (Project Server).

Migrating project data is the third step in the VME migration phase. For additional steps, see Project Server VME: Migration phase.

To run migration verification

  1. On the VME desktop, click Start Migration Process. This opens a Windows Explorer window that displays the contents of drive E.

  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click the following folder:

    • If you have one Project Server 2003 database, open the Migrate_Proj_2003_Single_DB folder.

    • If you have split Project Server 2003 database, open Migrate_Proj_2003_Split_DB.

  3. Click 3-Migrate Projects to start the migration tool. This opens a Command Prompt window that displays the status of the project data migration as it occurs.

  4. When the project data migration is completed successfully, the End Summary displays Project Migration successful.

If you encounter an error, check the migration log file for more information about the problem. The specific migration log file for this migration is displayed in the first few lines (for example, "Using log file: E:\MigrationLogs\Batch1-20100503-1704.log"). You can view the log in a text editor such as Notepad.