Plan for content and search (Windows SharePoint Services)
Applies To: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
As the administrator, owner, or designer of a site based on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, you are responsible for structuring the content in your site and making it easy for users to find, contribute to, and work with that content. If you are creating a casual or temporary collaboration site, you may be able to allow content to evolve as the site is adopted. However, if you want your site to be useful in the long term, you need to pay attention to how the information in your site is stored and displayed. The following articles will assist you as you plan the content for your site:
Plan lists (Windows SharePoint Services) provides information about which lists to create, what field types to use for your data, and what views you may need to create for your lists.
Plan document libraries (Windows SharePoint Services) provides information about how to store documents in your site and how to control versioning, approval, and other processes so your documents stay up to date.
Plan content types (Windows SharePoint Services) provides information about when to use content types, and what content types to create so that similar data in your site produces similar experiences.
Plan workflows (Windows SharePoint Services) provides information about when to create workflows and how to structure them.
Plan for search (Windows SharePoint Services) provides information about how searching works for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and how to manage search settings.