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IVersionCompatibleUpgrader.IsBackwardsCompatible property

Gets a value that indicates whether the object is in a backwards compatible state.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


ReadOnly Property IsBackwardsCompatible As TriState
Dim instance As IVersionCompatibleUpgrader
Dim value As TriState

value = instance.IsBackwardsCompatible
TriState IsBackwardsCompatible { get; }

Property value

Type: Microsoft.SharePoint.TriState
True specifies that the sequence is in a backwards compatible range. False specifies that the sequence is too old and not in a backwards compatible range. NA specifies that the sequence is in an unsupported state, for example, when the sequence is too new.

See also


IVersionCompatibleUpgrader interface

IVersionCompatibleUpgrader members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Upgrade namespace