Assembly Load Event Class
The Assembly Load event class occurs when a request to load an assembly is executed.
Include the Assembly Load event class in traces where you want to monitor assembly loads. This can be useful when troubleshooting a query that uses common language runtime (CLR), when troubleshooting a slow running server that is running CLR queries, or when monitoring a server to gather user, database, success, or other information about assembly loads.
Assembly Load Event Class Data Columns
Data column name | Data type | Description | Column ID | Filterable |
ApplicationName | nvarchar | The name of the application that requested the load. | 10 | Yes |
ClientProcessID | int | ID assigned by the host computer to the process where the client application is running. This data column is populated if the client provides the client process ID. | 9 | Yes |
DatabaseID | int | ID of the database specified by the USE database statement or the default database if no USE database statement has been issued for a given instance. SQL Server Profiler displays the name of the database if the ServerName data column is captured in the trace and the server is available. Determine the value for a database by using the DB_ID function. | 3 | Yes |
DatabaseName | nvarchar | Name of the database in which the user statement is running. | 35 | Yes |
EventSequence | int | Sequence of a given event within the request. | 51 | No |
GroupID | int | ID of the workload group where the SQL Trace event fires. | 66 | Yes |
HostName | nvarchar | Name of the computer on which the client is running. This data column is populated if the client provides the host name. To determine the host name, use the HOST_NAME function. | 8 | Yes |
LoginName | nvarchar | Name of the login of the user (either SQL Server security login or the Microsoft Windows login credentials in the form of DOMAIN\username). | 11 | Yes |
LoginSID | image | Security identifier (SID) of the logged-in user. You can find this information in the sys.server_principals catalog view. Each SID is unique for each login in the server. | 41 | Yes |
NTDomainName | nvarchar | Windows domain to which the user belongs. | 7 | Yes |
NTUserName | nvarchar | Windows user name. | 6 | Yes |
ObjectID | int | Assembly ID. | 22 | Yes |
ObjectName | nvarchar | Fully qualified name of the assembly. | 34 | Yes |
RequestID | int | ID of the request containing the statement. | 49 | Yes |
ServerName | nvarchar | Name of the instance of SQL Server being traced. | 26 | No |
SessionLoginName | nvarchar | Login name of the user that originated the session. For example, if you connect to SQL Server using Login1 and execute a statement as Login2, SessionLoginName shows Login1 and LoginName shows Login2. This column displays both SQL Server and Windows logins. | 64 | Yes |
SPID | int | ID of the session on which the event occurred. | 12 | Yes |
StartTime | datetime | Time at which the event started, if available. | 14 | Yes |
Success | int | Indicates whether the assembly load succeeded (1) or failed (0). | 23 | Yes |
TextData | ntext | "Assembly Load Succeeded" if the load succeeds; otherwise, "Assembly Load Failed". | 1 | Yes |