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Web Server

The Web Server page of the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard allows you to select a Web server, which is essentially the computer running Internet Information Services (IIS). This page also allows you to create a new virtual directory or select and configure an existing virtual directory.


If you modify the Web server permissions while Configure Web Synchronization Wizard is open, you will need to close and restart the Wizard to see the effect of your changes.


Enter the name of the computer running IIS:

Specify the name of the computer running IIS. You can either specify a local computer running IIS or a remote computer running IIS. By default, the local computer is specified as running IIS.

Create a new virtual directory

Select the Create a new virtual directory radio button and then select a Web site in which to create the new virtual directory. Select the desired Web site to enable the Next button**.**


When creating a new virtual directory, you are not limited to Default Web Site. If you want to create a virtual directory in another Web site, you have to ensure that the Web site is created on the IIS computer before you run the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard.

Configure an existing virtual directory

Select the Configure an existing virtual directory radio button if you want to use a pre-existing virtual directory. Select the name of the virtual directory to enable the Next button.

Important   If you do not have the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Server Tools installed, you get prompted to install the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Server Tools when you click on one of the radio buttons to create or configure the virtual directory. If you are configuring a local IIS machine (by running the Configure Web Synchronization Wizard from SQL Server Management Studio), you will be prompted to install the Server tools. If you click Yes, the Server Tools will be installed for you. If your IIS machine is remote and the Server Tools are not installed, you will receive a message stating that you need to install the Server Tools on that machine. For more information, see How to: Install Server Tools (SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition)