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Publication Properties, Articles

The Articles page of the Publication Properties dialog box: contains information about the articles contained in a publication; allows you to add articles to and drop articles from existing publications; and allows you to change article properties and column filtering.


After a publication is created, some property changes require a new snapshot. If a publication has subscriptions, some changes also require all subscriptions to be reinitialized. For more information, see Changing Publication and Article Properties and Adding Articles to and Dropping Articles from Existing Publications.

If you are publishing a database object that depends on one or more other database objects, you must publish all referenced objects. For example, if you publish a view that depends on a table, you must publish the table also.

Objects that cannot be published have a red icon next to them, with an explanation in the information panel at the bottom of the wizard page. The following objects cannot be published:

  • Encrypted objects.
  • Indexed views containing columns that allow NULL.
  • Tables without primary keys cannot be published in transactional publications.
  • Tables cannot be published in both a merge publication and a transactional publication enabled for queued updating subscriptions. For more information about publishing an article in more than one publication, see the "Publishing Tables in More Than One Publication" section in Publishing Data and Database Objects.

Oracle Publishers

There are additional considerations for Oracle Publishers:

Column Filters

Filter columns on this page by expanding a table in the Objects to publish pane and then selecting only the columns required (rows can be filtered in the Filter Table Rows page of this wizard). Filtering columns is useful for a number of reasons, including security (preventing sensitive data from being replicated) and performance (avoiding replication of large binary large object (BLOB) columns, for example). For more information about column filtering, including a list of column types that cannot be filtered, see Filtering Published Data.


The Objects to publish pane allows you to:

  • View all objects available for replication.
  • Add an article to a publication by selecting the check box next to that object.
  • Drop an article from a publication by clearing the check box next to that object. For information about when articles can be dropped, see Adding Articles to and Dropping Articles from Existing Publications.
  • Include all objects of a particular type (such as a table) in the publication by selecting the check box next to that object type (such as Tables).
  • Expand table nodes to see the columns in the table.
  • Filter table columns out of a publication by clearing the check box next to the column or include unpublished columns by selecting the check box.
  • Right-click an object in the pane to see a menu of commands for that object.
  • Article Properties
    Click Article Properties , and then click one of the following:

    • Click Set Properties of Highlighted <ObjectType> Article to launch the Article Properties - <ObjectName> dialog box; property changes made in this dialog box are applied only to the object that is highlighted in the object pane on the Articles page.

    • Click Set Properties of All <ObjectType> Articles, to launch the Properties for All <ObjectType> Articles dialog box; property changes made in this dialog box are applied to all objects of that type in the object pane on the Articles page, including ones not yet selected for publication.


      Property changes made in the Properties for All <ObjectType> Articles dialog box override any made previously in the Article Properties - <ObjectName> dialog box. If, for example, you want to set a number of defaults for all articles of an object type, but also want to set some properties for individual objects, set the defaults for all articles first. Then set the properties for the individual objects.

  • Highlighted table is download-only
    Merge replication only. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 only. Select to specify that changes are disallowed at the Subscriber if a client subscription is used. Because download-only articles cannot be updated at the Subscriber, tracking metadata is not sent to Subscribers. This can lead to reduced storage on the Subscribers and a performance benefit, especially if the network connection is slow. This option corresponds to a value of Download-only to Subscriber, prohibit Subscriber changes for the option Synchronization direction in the Article Properties dialog box. For more information, see Optimizing Merge Replication Performance with Download-Only Articles.
  • Show only checked objects in the list
    Select this check box to show only those articles that are selected in the object pane.

See Also

Other Resources

How to: Create a Publication and Define Articles (SQL Server Management Studio)
How to: View and Modify Publication and Article Properties (SQL Server Management Studio)
How to: Create and Apply the Initial Snapshot (SQL Server Management Studio)
How to: Reinitialize a Subscription (SQL Server Management Studio)
Publishing Data and Database Objects
Replication Properties
Replication Wizards

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