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Members Staging Table (Master Data Services)

Use the members staging table (mdm.tblStgMember) in the Master Data Services database to create leaf members, consolidated members, and collections.


You cannot import member data for the Metadata model. Metadata members are automatically added and deleted when their associated objects (models, entities, hierarchies, attributes, and attribute groups) are added and deleted.

This topic contains the following sections:

  • Table Columns

  • Example

Table Columns

Column Name



Displays an automatically assigned identifier. If the batch has not been processed, this field is blank.


Displays an automatically assigned identifier that groups records for staging. All members in the batch are assigned this identifier, which is displayed in the Master Data Manager user interface in the ID column. This value is also in mdm.tblStgBatch in the ID field.

If the batch has not been processed, this field is blank.


Optional value. Specify a user name to filter the records in the Master Data Manager user interface. The logged in user can view:

  • Records for his or her user name, and

  • Records with no user name assigned.

The user name should match the name in the Master Data Manager Users list, for example DOMAIN\user_name or server\user_name.


Required value. Specify the case-sensitive name of the model.


Required value only if you are creating a consolidated member (a member with MemberType_ID of 2). Leave blank for leaf members and collections. Specify the name of the hierarchy.


Required value. Specify the name of the entity.


Required value. Specify the type of member to create. Possible values are:

  • 1 to indicate a leaf member.

  • 2 to indicate a consolidated member.

  • 3 to indicate a collection.


Optional value. Specify a name for the member or collection.


Required value. Specify a unique code.

If the code already exists, the member or collection is not created.


Displays the status of the import process. Possible values are:

  • 0, which you specify to indicate that the record is ready for staging.

  • 1, which is automatically assigned and indicates that the staging process for the record has succeeded.

  • 2, which is automatically assigned and indicates that the staging process for the record has failed.


Displays an error code. For all records with a Status_ID of 2, view the Staging Batch Errors page in Master Data Manager for a more detailed description.


This example works with the sample Product model that is in the Master Data Services\Samples\Packages directory where you installed Master Data Services. For more information about deploying the sample Product model, see Deploying Models (Master Data Services).

You can save this example as a flat file and import it into your database. For more information about importing data into a database by using SQL Server Integration Services, see How to: Run the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.

The following example shows how to create a leaf member, a consolidated member, and a collection.

  • The first line in this example contains the column names.

  • The second line creates the BK-M101 leaf member in the Product entity of the Product model.

  • The third line creates the MW consolidated member in the Product Management explicit hierarchy in the Product entity of the Product model.

  • The fourth line creates the JR collection in the Product entity of the Product model.

    Product,Product Management,Product,2,Men's and Women's Products,MW
    Product,,Product,3,John's Responsibility,JR